WARNING: The shortcode can display very private information about your customers (if you decide to). Please use with caution.
If you do not use any attributes for the product ID, it will display the customers of the current product (on a product page).
To display the list in the front end, simply use the following shortcode: [customer_list] along with the following attributes and their “true” or “false” value:
- product : The ID of the product for which you wish to display the customer list. If you do not put an ID number, it will use the ID of the current product (if used on a product page).
- show_product_id : Adds a column with the product ID. Default: false.
- show_product_sku : Adds a column with the product SKU. Default: false.
- table_title : Add a title that will be added at the top of the list. Uses h3 tags that can be styled via css.
- order_status : The order status for which the shortcode will display your customers. If you have more than one, seperate them with commas. Options are: wc-completed, wc-processing, wc-on-hold, wc-pending, wc-cancelled, wc-refunded, wc-failed. Default is “wc-completed, wc-processing”.
- show_titles : Display the titles of each column in the head of the table. Titles cannot be modified at this time.
- order_number : The ID of the order. Can be a variation ID in the premium version of the plugin.
- order_date : The date of the order.
- billing_first_name : Billing first name.
- billing_last_name : Billing last name.
- billing_company : Billing company.
- billing_email : Billing e-mail.
- billing_phone : Billing phone.
- billing_address_1 : Billing address 1.
- billing_address_2 : Billing address 2.
- billing_city : Billing city.
- billing_state : Billing state.
- billing_postalcode : Billing postal / Zip code.
- billing_country : Billing country.
- shipping_first_name : Shipping first name.
- shipping_last_name : Shipping last name.
- shipping_company : Shipping company.
- shipping_address_1 : Shipping address 1.
- shipping_address_2 : Shipping address 2.
- shipping_city : Shipping city.
- shipping_state : Shipping state.
- shipping_postalcode : Shipping postal / Zip code.
- shipping_country : Shipping country.
- customer_message : Message from the customer.
- customer_id : The ID of the customer (if registered).
- customer_username : The user name of the Customer (if registered).
- customer_username_link : Add a link to the customer’s profile page (requires customer_username).
- customer_display_name : The display name of the Customer (if registered).
- customer_avatar : The avatar of the customer. Default: false.
- order_status_column : The order status.
- order_payment : The order payment method.
- order_shipping : The order shipping method.
- order_coupon : The coupon(s) used at checkout.
- order_variations : The variations column. Default: true.
- order_total : The order total. Default: false.
- order_tax_total : The order tax total. Default: false.
- order_qty : The quantity of products purchased.
- order_qty_total : The total of products purchased for all customers. This field is added at the bottom of the table.
- order_qty_total_column : The total of products purchased for all customers. This field is added as a column.
- limit : The amount of orders you want to display.
- index : Adds a numbered index as a first column. Default: false
- display_partial_refunds : Once activated, partial refunds will be hidden from the list. Default: false
Here is an example containing every attribute of the shortcode, with the default values. Please note that it is not needed to include each attribute, you can simply use the attributes that you wish to modify (replace 999 with your product id):
[customer_list product="999" show_titles="true" table_title="test product" order_status="wc-completed" order_number="false" order_date="false" billing_first_name="true" billing_last_name="true" billing_company="false" billing_email="false" billing_phone="false" billing_address_1="false" billing_address_2="false" billing_city="false" billing_state="false" billing_postalcode="false" billing_country="false" shipping_first_name="false" shipping_last_name="false" shipping_company="false" shipping_address_1="false" shipping_address_2="false" shipping_city="false" shipping_state="false" shipping_postalcode="false" shipping_country="false" customer_message="false" customer_id="false" customer_username="false" order_payment="false" order_shipping="false" order_coupon="false" order_variations="true" order_total="false" order_tax_total="false" order_qty="false" order_qty_total="false" order_qty_total_column="false" limit="9999" display_partial_refunds="true" index="false"]